Personal Stories

In first grade I could not write well because I had a hard time putting my thoughts into my writings. I thought I couldn't write as well as the other kids. I asked my teacher for help and she gave me strategies that helped me improve. If I win my teachers email is

Caydance Frances Metcalfe

Thank you for opening our eyes to the world of dyslexia. We have explored what it is like to have challenges reading and writing. We have connected to Ally, and my scholars have written letters to key Ally know there is hope and help! It's ok to ask for help!

Maryann m Hilton

I had difficulties in elementary school. I could not see the board. My teacher insisted on a vision screen. They discovered something amiss. Glasses turned everything around. Thank you Mrs. H

Cindy Livingston

My difficulties were math because when I did my math test it took me more time than other people. So than I finally asked my teacher and she helped me so I was faster on my math test. Not only was I faster I got smarter.

Makenzie Kerr

My struggle has always been math because I am not to good at subtracting or as much adding. It has also been social studies. I am not good at remembering things so every year I learn something then the next year I forget it. I love fish in a tree.

janie connelly

I was the small kid, the easy target. I was bullied relentlessly in school. My 6th grade teacher had us write a story, my first. His feedback; the fact he read it, liked it and commented so positively about my story taught me I had a voice. It gave me courage to stand up to the bullies & say stop.

Shaun Michaeil

My brother is one of the reasons I became a teacher. For him, reading and writing was always a big struggle. One day, he came home from Grade 2 and said to my mom, "I'm the dumbest kid in the class." With support, though, he pushed through. Now he is doing his Masters - and learning Greek! Wow!

Laura Curtis

dyslexia is very scary.I love how this book shows Alie is not the only person with a strugel i have a math strugel.I think in the end of Fish In A Tree Alie will relize i have a struggel but so does every one else i just need to belive. Shay will not get in my way of that.

Alyssa Piloseno

Thank you so very much for writing this book! I have a daughter who is dyslexic and it has been the perfect book for me to read to her. She has such a hard time with keeping up with her peers academically, and feels inferior and overwhelmed much of the time. I can't wait to share it with others!

Christy Lau

I heard about Fish in a Tree over the summer from our school librarian. I immediately went and bought. And didn't put it down until I had finished. I decided that this would be the first novel I would read interactively with my 5th graders! It CREATED our reading class. Thank you!!!

Cheryl Dominguez

It was an amazing experience when you came to our school today! Thank you for teaching me so much!


Why i would want this book is because 1. read to my sisters 2. share with my friends this book to others 4.Let other people borrow this book.When i was younger i had many difficulties in math just like ally so i had later asked my teacher for help and she helped me so much.

katherine zronek

Going to school as a child was not easy for me. I struggled with reading and math and was significantly overweight. I never had good friends or a date to prom. It wasn't until college that I learned to love myself for who I was. I want my students to love themselves as well. Beauty is within.

Elizabeth Naatz

My difficulties used to be writing because every time I wrote it took me a long time to write only one sentence. So finally went to my teacher and she helped a lot

Isabella loggins

The "Turtle" reading group is where I was put. Extra help was being put in a room with a screen told to read the highlighted word as it moved, quickly. I couldn't do it. Today, I share with my library students my struggle with reading to show it is possible. "Slow but Steady Reader"

Rory Tufaro

Dear Lynda Mullaly Hunt, I would like to tell you that your book, Fish in a Tree, is one of the best books I have ever read! It really inspired me to step out of my comfort zone, and to try new things. We read it in my classroom, and it was so amazingly written! Thank you!


My class and I read this book every day. We read 2 to 3 chapters every day.I hope to read more books of yours after we read fish in a tree. You are a very exciting author.

Paige Alexandria Labadie

My students and I love your book! I posted a cover image of it on my display of "Books I Read Over Summer." As a result, it flies off the library shelf every time it is returned. It is such a beautiful, thought-provoking, touching story. Thank you! @gwmemorialmedia

Geralyn Westervelt

Thank you for writing this story. It is my mother's and brother's story. It is both my boy's story and it is my story. We all know what it is like to be asked as a fish to climb a tree. It helps to know we are not alone! The more dyslexia is discussed, is when we can heal and educate!

Deena R. Futris

In chapter 33, Mr. Daniels changes impossible to possible. In Room 1, we talked about choosing one word to help us. Our posts next week will feature our OLWs (one little word), why it was chosen, and how it will help us. With thanks to Ali Edwards

Mary Buchholz

When I was little I had a hard time writing B and D and I did not want to ask for help. Then my family help me a little write B and D in words.

Joanna Quintana

The first time I read this book I cried and cried. Ally's struggles reminded me of my childhood, when I spent each day feeling like the stupidest kid in math class. Now that I am a successful teacher, my past inspires me to help my students who struggle.

Kaitlin Syring

Send us your personal story about overcoming obstacles (Please do not post questions here)