Author Visit Feedback

All of us in Ho-Ho-Kus are still "beaming" with delight from meeting you and were thrilled to have a day with you at our school ...actually we were left with the feeling of wanting more! Many, and I am included in that group were truly touched for the better...forever!!!

Alexis Eckert, Principal

"As you all know, we had an author visit; Lynda Mullaly Hunt a few days ago. She wasn’t just there to tell us about the book, she was there to give us mentally something to hold on forever. And she definitely did! I didn’t only learn that Keisha is based off of a real person, or that she got weird Albert facts off of Google, she gave me the gift of enjoyment, of positivity, and a comforting quote that would never leave your side...something to pick you up when you fall. When Mrs. Hunt told us that no matter what anyone says to you, always listen to your gut, I thought that this was powerful and compelling. Whether you’re not fit for that sport or you’ll never ace that test, ignore that opinion. When a negative thought pops into your head, for instance, that you shouldn’t tryout for that band and you’ll embarrass yourself, push it aside. Never, not ever, let any negative thoughts or words get to you!"

Livi, 5th graders

Lynda’s presentation was amazing. The students were completely enthralled. Her entertaining writing “tips and tricks” could easily and immediately be used in the classroom. She makes writing look easy!

Karen Craig, 6th grade teacher, Marlborough, CT

Lynda presented to the toughest audience in our school and you could hear a pin drop on the carpet. They were really captivated by her personal stories that tied into how and why authors write. I have hosted many authors over my 19 years of being a media specialist and her presentation was definitely one of the tops! She really knows how to connect with this age group. One of my students came in today to tell me she read One for the Murphys last night and loved it! I would definitely recommend Lynda Mullaly Hunt’s presentation to any school that teaches 4th through 8th grade.

Sara Schutz, Library Media Specialist, Oakdale, CT

Lynda Mullaly Hunt connects to students with personal stories, and explains how personal experiences can translate into vivid writing. As a former teacher, she knows how to engage students and how to ignite the desire to read...and write. I hope she can come back again next year!

Robin Greenwald, 7th Grade Teacher, Montville, CT

Lynda Mullaly Hunt knows how to connect to kids. She reaches out and pulls them in. She tells stories that they can relate to and inspires them to be heroes. I definitely recommend her as a guest author. The kids loved her! Teachers, too! Also helpful that she connects to facets of the Core Standards!

Laurie Murphy –Teacher, Capt. Isaac Paine School, Foster, RI

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